Fritz Lang's 1926 masterpiece anticipates a development 100 years in the future. A rich elite controls everything and the “others” are sent to work in the underworld. Anyone who recognizes reality will see the parallels to today. Back then, it was a robot woman who was given a part of a woman with the task of preventing a revolt. Today it is the so-called AI, which tends to unsettle many. Since Joe Weineck has been involved with “AI” for 25 years and has realized developments in this area, he can justifiably say that there is a lot of “A” and little “I” in it. These are rule-based systems with large databases. There are linear links here, but that has nothing to do with intelligence.
The fantastic film material that keeps the Friedrich Wilhelm Murrnau Foundation alive has inspired Weineck to create completely different music to put the images in a new context. Walter Schulze-Mittendorf, the ingenious creator of the robot woman “Eva”, created the model after which almost all robots were designed in the future. The voice-based music, with various choirs and soloists, Gregorian elements, is different, timeless and lends other emotions in symbiosis with the film.

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