The “Dunx” is a creation of the Regensburg ethnomusicologist Felix Hoerburger (1916-1997). The scientist (specializing in Davul, Zurna and Zwiefache) invented the “Schnubiglbairische” dialect along the way: A very unique “northsouthnewhighschnubiglbairian" dialect consisting mainly of "scent and sound". These are strange textual concoctions, a rich poetic work, somewhere between Kurt Schwitters, Ernst Jandl and Karl Valentin.
Arthur Dittlmann, a journalist, author and presenter at BR for many years, has always been fascinated by Felix Hoerburger's lyrics: He was particularly taken with the deconstruction of Bavarian, the play with words, syllables, sounds and meanings. In addition, many of Hoerburger's texts are very rhythmic and highly musical, literally crying out to be set to music... Now Arthur Dittlmann has chosen “Dunx” and given it a didl-dupf-deife-like blues guise. In less than two minutes, an absurd world theater takes place. Ultimately, it's about summoning the fiends of this world, who should finally go back to where they came from: To the “Dusch Denga”, to where they can do no harm. To cut a long story short: save the world with Dunx, what else? Dempf dipfi.

Discography: Music by Arthur Dittlmann 5
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