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Ella Schön Folgen 5 - 8 (Original Soundtrack)
by O.S.T. Ella Schön Folgen 5 - 8

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Ella Schön episodes 5 - 8

The soundtrack is a cross-section of the scores for the four episodes "Feuertaufe", "Schiffbruch", "Land unter2 and "Familienbande" of the popular ZDF series Ella Schön and works with different musical themes for the characters. For all the conflicts the films tell, the music always tries to emphasize the warm-hearted and humorous aspect. Part of the score are also songs composed for the film.
Franziska May (composition, vocals, keys, synths, violins, mallets), Enrico Antico (ukulele, acoustic guitar, mandolin), Johannes Hammerschmidt (acoustic guitar, telecaster, classical guitar, mandolin, electric bass, double bass, acoustic bass), Manfred Faust - music mix Feuertaufe und Schiffbruch (baptism of fire and shipwreck), Johannes Hammerschmidt - music mix Land unter und Familienbande (land under and family ties).

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