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Ein Dorf wehrt sich (Original Soundtrack)
by Dominik Giesriegl

CD no.

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Ein Dorf wehrt sich (Original Soundtrack)

The music of Dominik Giesriegl draws its inspiration from the depth of the mountain tunnels, from the roughness of the surfaces and the ancient. On the one hand, it tries to give the omnipresent mountain a voice by means of deep drones and sometimes very alienated low strings, as well as to depict the emotions of the characters, which they are often not allowed or able to show, since not infrequently their survival depends on it.
The film is about the rescue of art treasures looted by Nazis in Altaussee, Austria. This historical drama by Gabriela Zerhau, made on original locations, stars Fritz Karl, Brigitte Hobmeier, Harald Windisch, Francis Fulton-Smith, Oliver Masucci, Philipp Hochmair, Verena Altenberger and others.

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