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New release

Magische Anden (O.S.T.)
by Lucas Kochbeck

CD no.

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Music for the ZDF documentary series

In five episodes, the documentary series discovers the indescribably diverse world of the Andes: untouched nature, exciting people and a fascinating animal world. The journey to find the right film music began early on during the shooting: At the composer's request, director Alexandra Hardorf used a mobile recording device to capture multi-faceted sounds and atmospheres at the original locations, which then found their place in the music. The composer Lucas Kochbeck uses strings, piano, acoustic guitar, percussions and analogue synthesizer sounds to create a varied film score that spans the episodes. A sound world, authentic and stirring, in which filigree atmospheres and powerful beats mix. The variations of the classical main themes, virtuosically interpreted with clarinets and flutes, radiate far beyond the mountain ranges of the Andes.

Bass clarinet, clarinet, flutes : Kimo Eiserbeck

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