Schützt Du Dich! Dann schützt Du mich! (Single)
The risk group shows its face. Take two. This time not in the form of a picture wall, but with an emotionally deeply touching song and over 60 moving images of people from Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland and Austria. People from toddlers to grandmothers. With diseases or disabilities, from visible to invisible. Because the risk group is large and colourful. Touching every single story. A song, a video, which not only shows fates, but makes them emotionally tangible, traceable. Because solidarity cannot be forced. Because solidarity comes from understanding and compassion.
In times of triage, which separates into worthy and unworthy lives, loud voices calling for the separation of the old, the sick and people with disabilities, in times when we run the risk of letting ourselves be divided into healthy and sick people, when a group becomes the scapegoat for the economic decline of a country and each individual, we always need to look at the people. People with whom we have more in common than separates us.
Because every day such a person can be our daughter, our son, our mom, our dad, our grandma, our grandpa, our friend, our girlfriend. Every day you can become a person who belongs to the risk group. What do you wish for then?
„Schützt Du Dich! Dann schützt Du mich!“. An initiative by the singer-songwriter Nadine Maria Schmidt from Leipzig.

Discography: Music by Nadine Maria Schmidt 14
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